Grainger Data Narratives
Grainger is dedicated to giving helpful tools and information to its customers. The goal was to provide a collection of interactive infographics to educate and inform. The tool would explore hidden metrics and stories often only uncovered through well thought-out charts and graphs. I designed the UI for the data based off of the OHSA Top 10 and came up with several explorations. We wanted to elevate the graphics by using a clean style in order to communicate information simply but effectively.
Style Explorations
The first steps of the design process was exploring the style of the data narratives. These designs were preliminary and meant to start a conversation about the look and feel. Thin or bold and minimal or complex- were attributes we focused on.
(Click to enlarge)
Donut Charts
Icons were used to represent the different types of data.
During this process, we tried different color combinations and layouts of the UI.
Illness and Injury by Part of Body
Illness and Injury by Source
Days Away from Work by Source
Top 10 Citations Over Time
Incidence Rate by Business Size
Falls by Source
Workplace Safety Overview
Time of Day When Injuries Happen
Map of Top Fine Per State